How do electric and magnetic fields affect matter?
Like electricity, magnetism causes attraction and repulsion between objects. Although electricity is based on positive...
How do electric and magnetic fields interact with light?
A magnet can also change the direction of an electrical current, a current of electrons. But if you point a magnet at the ...
How do atoms and molecules interact with each other?
The atoms in most molecules are held together by strong forces of attraction called chemical bonds. These bonds are...
What are the applications of physics in everyday life?
Application of physics in everyday life Alarm Clock. Physics is involved in your daily life from the moment you wake up...
What is physics in simple words?
Physics is the scientific study of physical phenomena such as the movement of matter, energy and force. It helps us to...
What are the properties of nuclear particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons?
Electrons are a type of subatomic particle with a negative charge. Protons are a type of subatomic particle with a...
How do atoms and molecules interact with light waves and sound waves?
When a light wave encounters an object, it is transmitted, reflected, absorbed, refracted, polarized, diffracted or...
What is the definition of physics?
Physics, the science that deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental components of...
What are the fundamental laws of physics?
Ohm's law, Newton's laws of motion, Archimedes' principle, Doppler effect, Kirchhoff's law, law of reflection, Ampere's...
What is the equation for calculating kinetic energy?
If mass has units of kilograms and velocity in meters per second, kinetic energy has units of kilogram-meters square per...
What are newton's three laws of motion?
According to the first law, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. In the second law, the force...
What is the difference between speed and velocity?
Velocity is the speed at which an object moves along a trajectory, while velocity is the speed and direction of an...
How does radiation interact with matter?
The main effect that radiation has on matter is its ability to ionize atoms to convert them into ions, a phenomenon known ...
What are some of the applications of physics in everyday life?
Therefore, it should be possible to illustrate to anyone the physics of everyday life, with examples, of course, the...
What are the properties of black holes and neutron stars?
Unlike ordinary things (p. ex.
How do electric and magnetic fields interact with each other?
A moving electric charge generates a magnetic field. A magnetic field induces the movement of electric charge, producing...
How does temperature affect matter?
As the temperature of a solid, liquid, or gas increases, particles move more rapidly. As the temperature drops, the...
What is the difference between acceleration and deceleration?
In the same way that velocity is the rate of change in displacement, acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. In...
What is the equation for calculating force?
Therefore, an object of constant mass accelerates in proportion to the force applied. This calculator will find the...
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass is a fundamental measure of the amount of matter contained in an object. Weight is a measure of the gravitational...
How do newton's laws of motion apply to everyday life?
These laws tell us exactly how things move or stay still, for example, why you don't float out of bed or fall on the...
How quantum physics is different from classical physics?
In classical physics, dynamic variables are continuous values that vary smoothly. Quantum physics takes its name from the ...
What is the difference between energy and power?
If we get even more technical, energy is the ability to do work and power is the pace at which we work (or energy is...
What is the equation for calculating momentum?
You can see from the equation that the momentum is directly proportional to the mass (m) and velocity (v) of the object....
How does gravity affect motion?
When objects fall to the ground, gravity causes them to accelerate. Acceleration is a change in velocity and velocity, in ...
How do sound waves interact with matter?
Interactions can occur when waves pass from one medium to another, bounce back like an echo, bend or extend around or...
How do black holes and neutron stars form and evolve over time?
When the most massive stars die, they collapse under their own gravity and leave black holes; when stars that are a...
What is the difference between momentum and force?
Although these physical quantities are similar, there is a difference between force and momentum. Force is generally the...
Why quantum physics is better than classical physics?
In classical physics, the results of measurements can be perfectly predicted, assuming complete knowledge of the system...
What are the properties of radiation such as gamma rays, x-rays, and ultraviolet radiation?
Some higher-energy ultraviolet (UV) rays are also ionizing. Gamma rays and X-rays aren't the only types of ionizing...
What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?
The energy associated with the movement of an object is called kinetic energy. The energy stored in an object due to its...
How does density affect matter?
Density changes with the state of matter. In general, solids are denser than liquids, while liquids are denser than gases.
How does air resistance affect motion?
Air resistance is a type of friction (a force that opposes movement) that occurs between air and another object. It is...
What is the difference between work and energy?
There is a significant difference between work and energy. The job consists of transferring an amount of energy with the...
Does quantum physics disprove classical physics?
Quantum rules allow connections prohibited by classical physics. They showed that two particles, in this case, electrons, ...
How do light waves interact with matter?
When a light wave encounters an object, it is transmitted, reflected, absorbed, refracted, polarized, diffracted, or...
What are the properties of matter?
Any characteristic that can be measured, such as density, color, mass, volume, length, malleability, melting point,...
What are the properties of light waves?
Light has the usual attributes of waves, namely frequency, wavelength and speed. Light has the properties of waves.
How does friction affect motion?
Friction can slow things down and prevent stationary things from moving. In a frictionless world, more objects would...
What are the 4 basic law of physics?
These four basic forces are known as fundamental because they are solely responsible for all observations of forces in...